A Pin Cushion Rose Bracelet

Cute and Usefull

Posted by Katnip


I crocheted the green band part, and knited the rose.
I hot glued the jem in the center. I did it in the middle of the night (curse you insomnia!) so it took me a while.
I also couldn’t find ANY of my crochet needles, so I ended up crocheting with a size 6 knitting needle (because I’m nice like that, lol).
The rose also acts as a pin cushon. My grandma had one like it, only hers had a little tomato on it, not a rose. It’s a gift for by buddy nat, Although she doesn’t know that yet. Shhhhhh!
Hope you like it!


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Yarn
  • Knitting Needles
  • Crochet Hook