A New Life For A Tea Light ...

A New Life For A Tea Light ...not just one ;-)

Posted by Askeria


Especially through christmas time I got a lot of burned up tea-lights. So I thought of a new use for them. Cut like this you can use them for decorations or hang them on the tree or add them to your gift-wrap...
I'm sure you got some ideas too (and I would like you to share them with me ;-)..


You Will Need (3 things)

  • burned up Tea Light Candle /Votive
  • Scissors
  • Scissors

Steps (7 steps, 5 minutes)

  1. 1

    Take some burned up tea-lights.

  2. 2

    Clean them up from old parts of wax and dirt.

  3. 3

    Take some scissors and cut out triangles from the border of the tea-light.

  4. 4

    Should look like this...

    Now flaten the corners down.

    Be careful not to cut yourself at the sharp edges!!

    Tadaaa :D

  5. 5

    You can cut out different sizes of triangles to get different looks...

  6. 6

    Than you could decore your christmas table with them ...

  7. 7

    .. or hang them to you christmas-tree..

    (Yes this is my tree-friendly version of a christmas tree. I like them better so be in the forests than in the living room :D)