Cut Out + Keep

A Mockery Of My Camera (It's A Bag Now.)

In honor of a fallen camera • Posted by Melissa M.

So my old camera passed away a while ago, and it was pretty basic looking, so I figured, "Hey, why not try to make one myself?" Obviously the actual camera wasn't composed of fabric, but this is a rather nice way to honor it and its glory. Took about 9 or 10 hours total all throughout March, working whenever I could. Cost about $7.00 in fabric and buttons. 18 inches by 24 inches. No pattern used. Made from pure cotton fabric or a nylon blend on the lens and flash. I'm quite proud of this.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


10 h 00


Medium dsc00355 Medium dsc00357


So my old camera passed away a while ago, and it was pretty basic looking, so I figured, "Hey, why not try to make one myself?" Obviously the actual camera wasn't composed of fabric, but this is a rather nice way to honor it and its glory. Took about 9 or 10 hours total all throughout March, working whenever I could. Cost about $7.00 in fabric and buttons. 18 inches by 24 inches. No pattern used. Made from pure cotton fabric or a nylon blend on the lens and flash. I'm quite proud of this.
