Cut Out + Keep

A Fast Washers Knit Bracelet

a knitted and embroided with washers bracelet • Posted by Jet H.

I had made the fake studs bracelet, and thought of some thing what had a other cool view. I'm using on the moment in my art work a lot of washers, they are looking so tight and cool, so i thought why not using them on a knitting bracelet. I was glad with how it looks on the end and it a quick to make left over project to use as a xmas present or as present on other occassions;-) i hope you like this one too, but for all, much crafting fun with this project.;-D For all of you who aren't the greates knitters, you can look on this site: Here you can watch and learn the stiches you need for this craft.-D

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium armb om pols 1260031679 Medium close up 1260032002


I had made the fake studs bracelet, and thought of some thing what had a other cool view. I'm using on the moment in my art work a lot of washers, they are looking so tight and cool, so i thought why not using them on a knitting bracelet. I was glad with how it looks on the end and it a quick to make left over project to use as a xmas present or as present on other occassions;-) i hope you like this one too, but for all, much crafting fun with this project.;-D For all of you who aren't the greates knitters, you can look on this site: Here you can watch and learn the stiches you need for this craft.-D


  1. cast on 6 stiches, or more, but i must be an even number of stiches.

  2. Knit 8 needles in the garter stich.

  3. knit the first two stiches and cast two stiches of and knit the remaining stiches of this needle.

  4. knit the two stiches and from the last stich you must make increase two new ones. and knit the remaining stiches of the needle. i have found this link for you to knite a buttonhole, for those they don't know how to increase the stiches back.: they let you see it much better then i could have done it.LOL

  5. Small gaatjes beter 1260120050

    So you have knitted a button hole, your first one! Knit again 8 needles and repeat steps 3 till 5 untill you have reach the right measure. pay attention of that this stich and the button holes in it, make the bracelet more strechy, so it must be taut measured.

  6. Small drukker achterk 1260120466

    with the yarn you have knitted you will make the buttonhole neat with the button stich, you can see how to make on this link:

  7. when you have done the buttonholes with this embroidery stich, you can begin with the following step.

  8. Small eerste washers rt8 1260120511

    Pick up one of the washers and with the sewing yarn you make again over and in the knitting material the buttonstich. Not to close on each other this stiches, but a few, more like decoration. Look at the pict. It will fasten the washer and i looks nice and pretty and cool in away.

  9. Small drukker voorzijde 1260120561

    When you have on all the buttonholes a wahers maked you must sew on the right side a pressstud

  10. Small drukker achterk 1260120657

    and on the left side the other one of the pressstud. and then you are finished the project.

  11. Small armb om pols 1260120704

    I hope you like it and will wear it with pleasure.LOL