• Posted by Gone Neko
I've got a lot of earrings! In the picture there are just a few of them! I collect them, buying one pair every new city or country I visit. So I wanted a way to see them exposed, to remember my trips and smile when I choose the one I'll wear... I thought about this way, I hope you like my idea! ^___^
I've got a lot of earrings! In the picture there are just a few of them! I collect them, buying one pair every new city or country I visit. So I wanted a way to see them exposed, to remember my trips and smile when I choose the one I'll wear... I thought about this way, I hope you like my idea! ^___^
This is all the material I used. The black one is the base of an old little zen garden I had to empty when I adopted my evil cat, because he tried to lick the white sand, so...
Here you can see it better. I think you can use a normal frame...
Here you see the paillettes I used to decorate the inside of the base.
Copper wire.
1) I put many drops of vinyl glue on the base and used a stick to put a lot of paillettes. 2) With a hammer I put the pins on each side. 3) I turned the wire around the first pin on the bottom left, in order to fix it and make it pass around the pin on the right. 4) So on, with the second pin on the right, than the second on the left, than the third on the right than... you know! Until you reach the top. 5) Than cut your wire and turn it around the last pin to fix it. 6) Finished! ^___^
You can put you earrings on it! Yeeeeyh!! I'm so proud of it! =D