• Posted by Ryland Peters & Small
Italic script is used in French restaurants and adds a touch of sophistication to the menu. Next time you host a celebration meal or a dinner party for friends, why not send your guests an elegant menu in advance so they know what they’ll be eating? They can keep it as a reminder of the evening, too.
Italic script is used in French restaurants and adds a touch of sophistication to the menu. Next time you host a celebration meal or a dinner party for friends, why not send your guests an elegant menu in advance so they know what they’ll be eating? They can keep it as a reminder of the evening, too.
Draw a top line 1¼ in. (3.2 cm) from the top of the paper. Now measure in 3⁄8 in. (10 mm) for the left margin. Measure down 5⁄16 in. (8 mm) and draw a base- line, then measure up 3⁄16 in. (5 mm) and draw the x-line. Repeat until you have nine staves, leaving a space of 3⁄8 in. (10 mm) between lines.
Practice writing the menu with a size C5 nib, starting from the top stave.
Measure the length of each line of writing. Put pencil marks at the beginning and end of each line, and note down the measurement.
Find the center of the sheet of parchment paper, and draw a line down. Create the lines as before, but this time ignore the margin and leave a 5⁄8 in. (16 mm) gap between each line of the menu. Center each line of the practice writing, marking the beginning and end of each line you will write.
Copy out the menu from your practice sheet, taking care to use the same amount of space for each line to keep the menu centered.
Add a flourish motif at the bottom of the menu to complete it. Rub out the pencil lines when the ink is completely dry.