Cut Out + Keep

Mario Pixel Cookie/Cake

Based on 8 Bit Mario Cookie Cake by Charlet • Posted by Rachel L.

Was Very tedious but REALLY fun to make, should have added a photo of my kitchen after it was done, lol WAT A MESS! but thats my style :P basically just made a basic cookie dough 1 tip is MEASURE WHEN YOU CUT! your ruler is your friend! It will all fit together if theyre all square. Anyway, it was a big hit for the party, there wasnt much left of him at the end, but everyone took some home. Oh yeh and the squares measured 2.5cm/ 1 inch and about 1cm high ENJOY :)

You will need


2 h 30


Medium jezzas 23rd bday warehouse tavern oct  09 002 1254608139 Medium jezzas 23rd bday warehouse tavern oct  09 003 1254608271


Was Very tedious but REALLY fun to make, should have added a photo of my kitchen after it was done, lol WAT A MESS! but thats my style :P basically just made a basic cookie dough 1 tip is MEASURE WHEN YOU CUT! your ruler is your friend! It will all fit together if theyre all square. Anyway, it was a big hit for the party, there wasnt much left of him at the end, but everyone took some home. Oh yeh and the squares measured 2.5cm/ 1 inch and about 1cm high ENJOY :)
