70ies Jacket Out Of A Towel

Towel is the fur of today...

Posted by The Twins


i found this pattern for a jacket with feathers on it on an old 70ies pattern i got from ebay. (3 for only 1€!!!!)(and yes i know, this one looks more like from the 60ies, but its from 1972...)
so i thought, why dont use the old towel fro IKEA for this, like a fur.
I have to say this turned out better than i thought, eventhough its a bit small, especially on the sleeves.... but i think of maybe selling them some day. of cours with wider sleves...
so try it out and swing your neighbourhood!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 1 Towel
  • Sewing Machine
  • Thread
  • a little bit of Ribbon for the collar