Cut Out + Keep

3 D Collage

A collage with not only paper, but with 3D objects! • Posted by Kathx

This collage is made with paper and 3D objects. I set the price to free because all the stuff involved was at my house, as I am sure you guys have cardboard. And I set the time for 3 hours because that includes deciding where I wanted to put things. All the items on the collage were from my personal collection of things that are important to me or I just kept because I thought it was cool. I have beads and band pins on it among other things. The background is made of just different paper. And I also put some of my Pokemon cards and Harry Potter trading cards on it, along with a flyer for Wolf Parade's concert and a picture of one of The Cure's albums Use whatever you want! I put stuff on it that basically defines what I love. I used random things too, like buttons and clothing tags, old movie tickets, and stars that I make out of paper. And a bracelet charm. I thought this was a lot of fun to make and it used up stuff that was taking up space that I wouldn't throw away!

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium cut out and keep projects 002 1276497373


This collage is made with paper and 3D objects. I set the price to free because all the stuff involved was at my house, as I am sure you guys have cardboard. And I set the time for 3 hours because that includes deciding where I wanted to put things. All the items on the collage were from my personal collection of things that are important to me or I just kept because I thought it was cool. I have beads and band pins on it among other things. The background is made of just different paper. And I also put some of my Pokemon cards and Harry Potter trading cards on it, along with a flyer for Wolf Parade's concert and a picture of one of The Cure's albums Use whatever you want! I put stuff on it that basically defines what I love. I used random things too, like buttons and clothing tags, old movie tickets, and stars that I make out of paper. And a bracelet charm. I thought this was a lot of fun to make and it used up stuff that was taking up space that I wouldn't throw away!
