• Posted by lina
just a super simple peanut butter cookie recipe for begginers or anybody that has some pb laying around the house waiting to be used. i suggest adding things like chocolate chips, or cinnamon to add a little more flavor, but they're fine as is. btw, you can use crunchy or smooth peanut butter. i only took one photo cause the process is pretty simple. (idk why all of the ingredients are listed twice, but just ignore it)
just a super simple peanut butter cookie recipe for begginers or anybody that has some pb laying around the house waiting to be used. i suggest adding things like chocolate chips, or cinnamon to add a little more flavor, but they're fine as is. btw, you can use crunchy or smooth peanut butter. i only took one photo cause the process is pretty simple. (idk why all of the ingredients are listed twice, but just ignore it)
get all of your ingredients together to make things even easier. preheat oven to 350 degrees F. "butter up" the bottom of the baking sheet so cookies wont stick.
mix the pb,egg,and sugar and whatever else you want to add in together took me about 2 mins.
spoon the mix into the pan in cookie like shapes.make sure you space them about an inch apart from each other so they wont be stuck together once theyre done baking.
pop them in the oven for about 10 mins at 350 degrees F. once theyre done baking, take them out of the oven and let them sit for about 3 mins so they can firm up abit.
enjoy! (i suggest not eating them all at once by urself.i did...and i regreted it lol.theres just so much pb and sugar in these things!)