Cut Out + Keep

3 Ingredient Cookies

3 ingredient healthy cookies- great snacks! • Posted by Juli T.

My little sister came along with this recipe and I thought it'd be perfect for blogging. THREE ingredients! How cool is that?

You will need

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Almost Nothing


0 h 23


Pretty Easy
Medium 101622 2f2014 05 11 024142 cookiealldone


My little sister came along with this recipe and I thought it'd be perfect for blogging. THREE ingredients! How cool is that?


  1. Small 101622 2f2014 05 08 060114 ingredients

    First thing's first, gather up your ingredients! Quick oats, almond extract (or vanilla if you prefer), and a large ripe banana. The riper the banana, the more flavor. Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Small 101622 2f2014 05 08 060313 bananas

    In a bowl, mash up your banana with a fork.

  3. Small 101622 2f2014 05 11 005215 mixed

    Add in 2/3 cup of quick oats and half a teaspoon of vanilla or almond extract and mix together. Optionally you can do the same as I did for the 2nd batch, which was using a packet of a flavored instant oatmeal! It also tastes great to add in chocolate chips, shredded coconut, peanut butter- whatever your heart desires, really.

  4. Small 101622 2f2014 05 11 012134 uncooked

    Form each batch into 4-5 cookies and place on a baking sheet. These won't spread at all so you can place them as close together as you need. Cook them for 18 minutes or until they have a bit more color and feel firm/done.

  5. Small 101622 2f2014 05 11 021024 cookiedone
