Cut Out + Keep

1950's Prom Dress

Based on 1950's Prom Dress by Momo Miruku • Posted by Momo Miruku

In an earlier post I did a 1950's dress. well I didn't quite feel happy with it so I revamped it by cutting it short and adding a small waist band made from the left over tulle. I also added a bow. I took some close up as well. The dummy is a small and the dress is a little bit bigger so doesn't quite fill it, especially the bust area lol, but however does fit me prefectly. I like this much better but please let me know what you think. Thank you.

You will need


25 h 00


Medium 164509 10150090609658641 502448640 5917857 836121 n 1294262686 Medium 169050 10150090609073641 502448640 5917851 2692158 n 1294262654 Medium 165612 10150090608658641 502448640 5917846 5923537 n 1294262634 Medium 165352 10150090609438641 502448640 5917854 3911642 n 1294262728


In an earlier post I did a 1950's dress. well I didn't quite feel happy with it so I revamped it by cutting it short and adding a small waist band made from the left over tulle. I also added a bow. I took some close up as well. The dummy is a small and the dress is a little bit bigger so doesn't quite fill it, especially the bust area lol, but however does fit me prefectly. I like this much better but please let me know what you think. Thank you.
