Cut Out + Keep

140 Page Journal For Only $5

A simple journal that will give you plenty of space to create • Posted by STEVEY K.

This is my first project, if it sucks then i apologize. the notebooks come in packages of 5 or 6 for about $3 and the tape and thread cost about $2

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 45


Nice & Simple
Medium model 1243450387 Medium picture 20018 1  1243455174


This is my first project, if it sucks then i apologize. the notebooks come in packages of 5 or 6 for about $3 and the tape and thread cost about $2


  1. Small 70pgblanknotebooks 1243452069

    Take the 2 notebooks you have and make sure they are the same or similar. You don't want the lines in one book bigger then the lines in another. also make sure the pages are the same size.(when making this do not exceed 140 pages. your book will tear or it will be hard to turn the pages)

  2. Small remove 1243452245

    Remove the coils from the notebooks, all you have to do is cut the coil at the first hole and bottom hole. then just unscrew the coil. CAUSTION: WHEN CUTTING THE COIL BECAREFUL, IT MIGHT FLY OFF AND HIT YOU. SO HOLD THE NOTEBOOK AWAY FROM YOU OR USE SAFETY GOGGLES.

  3. Small bookblock 1243626029

    This is the Book Block (140 pgs)

  4. Small picture 20043 1  1243626778

    The Covers! Use the 2 back covers from the original two notebooks as your new front and back covers. note: I used the back covers because they are sturdier, and they were completely blank.

  5. Small sewtheseholes 1243627242

    If Using The String Pull the string through the first hole so it is equal on both sides of the book. Next weave the String in and out of the holes. This can be teadious. When you get to the bottom you can double weave and tie it off. If Using The Needle and Thread Do the same process as the sting, but do it maybe three time to make sure you have a strong binding.

  6. Small picture 20044 1  1243628197

    It should look something like this! All the holes have been woven through twice.

  7. Small tape 1243454658

    to make sure the thread/string stays knotted, use tape to secure the knots so they do not come part. You could also paint clear nail polish the knot, or place a sticker over the knots to hide them

  8. Small model 1243454864

    and you're done. you can decorate it in any way you want. i choose to make mine kind of unique. also in the book it looks like a smudge, but it is really an impression of a tiger that i shaded to you could see the white lines underneath.