TEN minutes to make this...no kidding
TEN minutes to make this...no kidding. All you need is a pillowcase, about 2 yards of ribbon and your sewing machine.
Jasmin favorited 10 Minute Pillowcase Apron 01 Oct 22:20
Sandy J. favorited 10 Minute Pillowcase Apron 20 Sep 07:44
Allen P. favorited 10 Minute Pillowcase Apron 24 Jun 09:56
Allen P. commented on 10 Minute Pillowcase Apron 24 Jun 09:47
Dyson S. favorited 10 Minute Pillowcase Apron 26 May 17:31
darryl c. favorited 10 Minute Pillowcase Apron 12 May 07:28
miki j. favorited 10 Minute Pillowcase Apron 30 Mar 15:58
emily s. favorited 10 Minute Pillowcase Apron 25 Feb 10:45
mica f. commented on 10 Minute Pillowcase Apron 20 Feb 07:58
frankie e. favorited 10 Minute Pillowcase Apron 13 Feb 06:58
You Will Need

Allen P.
Will try today

mica f.
i m gonna try this today

Tee B.
I made this today! I was searching for a quick and easy way to make a garden apron for my neighbor for Christmas. Your description was perfect. It took me a little longer than 10 minutes and I used stitch witchery instead of sewing. Thank you so much for posting.

Madison, Wisconsin, US
7 projects
Thank you! Now I can make the wedding gift for my friend I thought I had to abandon!

Kay P.
Danville, Virginia, US
9 projects
Just what I was looking for, thanks!

Anna W.
I tried it and it was cool but definately not as good as it should have been!

Fayetteville, North Carolina, US
2 projects
this is soooooooo my speed

that fabric is great where do you find vintage pillowcases like that?

7 projects
COOL< Thanks, Ill Give this a try tomorrow

Wantage, England, GB
25 projects
looks really nice- i must try this!