Cut Out + Keep

10 Minute Business Card Flipper

Using some relatively hard cardboard and a scrap of material you can clear up that stack of business cards you have in your draw • Posted by Samantha B.

Ok, I dont know about you but I have an issue with Business cards around my flat, I also have an excess of cardboard and fabric scraps. Whilst i was off Sick today I decided to solve that issue and made this little box. Its an OK First go, but i think if you want something longer lasting you might use a ruler and maybe even fabric to line it with.... But at least for a few months, part of my clutter is being contained and I dont have to fork out for a plastic business card flipper. If you were even more enterprising you might make little tabs out of cardboard to stick between the business cars to mark out categories like "resturants" "bars" "Beauty parlours" or something more mundane like "A" "B" "C" I made it diagonal so I had room to flip the cards whilst looking for a particular one. Enjoy!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium photo 10 1234941920


Ok, I dont know about you but I have an issue with Business cards around my flat, I also have an excess of cardboard and fabric scraps. Whilst i was off Sick today I decided to solve that issue and made this little box. Its an OK First go, but i think if you want something longer lasting you might use a ruler and maybe even fabric to line it with.... But at least for a few months, part of my clutter is being contained and I dont have to fork out for a plastic business card flipper. If you were even more enterprising you might make little tabs out of cardboard to stick between the business cars to mark out categories like "resturants" "bars" "Beauty parlours" or something more mundane like "A" "B" "C" I made it diagonal so I had room to flip the cards whilst looking for a particular one. Enjoy!
