Cut Out + Keep

10 Min Tie Purse

Transform lame, unwanted gifts to Chic BoHo Beauties!

Posted by Anjeanette Artist


Transform old gifts to Dad or hubby, or outrageous finds from the local thrift and Goodwill...this is so easy! All you need is thread and a zig zag stitch on your sewing machine, and a spare 10 mins! Also working on a tie skirt, could easily stitch together ties to make an apron, or what about a legacy quilt ala Gees Bend of a beloved family member? I'm sure this idea has been done before, its fun and easy, I however did not know of any when I started messing around with my mans box of unwanted ties. If you see any others- link them here :)

  • 2 Neck Tie
  • Scissors
  • Sense Of Humor
  • 1 Sewing Machine
  • 1 Thread

Steps (12 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    two ties, measure and cut to pocket size desired...keep the ends!

  2. 2

    zig zag stitch ties together, use a clear guide foot with a 'notch' to help, slightly overlap ties for security

  3. 3

    zig or surge ends to finish without fray

  4. 4

    how ends should look- this will be tucked inside doesnt need to be pretty

  5. 5

    fold purse together before stitching sides

  6. 6

    sorry dark pic- stitch sides together, do not stitch to top- those will be your flaps

  7. 7

    when sides are stitched....looks like this

  8. 8

    mark where your straps will go- tops of original ties!

  9. 9

    sewn tops look like this

  10. 10

    tuck the ends into the purse

  11. 11

    finish off your strap with a zig zag- or just tie it together at the length you want!

  12. 12

    big enough for a wallet and lipgloss- or if your an origami master one diaper and a travel size package of baby wipes!