Antwerp Flanders Belgium 8 projects

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Meet #FeaturedMember Mnemosyn in Antwerp who loves to knit and crochet and wants to learn to make clothes.


Featured Member Interview

How did you find CO+K and why did you join?

I was looking for DIYs on the internet and stumbled on the site of CO+K. And never left since!

What projects are you currently working on?

I'm working an a MKAL. It's a traingle-ish shawl. That's all I know at the moment.


August 30, 2011
Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium
Featured Projects
8 times

What does your craft space look like?

At the moment is everything still in boxes. I moved to my place. Then the lockdown happens, so couldn't move my stuff to my house. And then back surgery. But it is one room. Just for my crafts ♥️

Which tool or craft supply do you use the most?

My little tin box. It has needles in it, a tiny scissor in the shape of an octopus, row counters, cable needles, stitch markers, measuring tape. All in one. I use it when I'm knitting but also when I'm sewing..

What do you craft along to?

Most of the time I'm doing crafts with tv shows and movies. If I sew, with my sewing machine it's just music on the background (metal music in my case)

Favorite Craft

I knit and crochet then most of all the crafts I do. I especially like to make amigurumis, bags, hats and shawls (if I finish them :p)

Dominique's Top Crafts

If you could learn one new craft or make anything, what would it be?

I want to make clothes. So I like wearing shorts indoors. That's the first garment I want to make.

Who are your crafting heroes?

Arne & Carlos for my knitting.
Stephanie Jessica Lau from allaboutami. I learned so much when I started to crochet. And have been following her since!