Large 0823026183.01.lzzzzzzz

Publisher's Description

• Great price point—just 9.95 American dollars!

• 15 funky patterns teach knitting
skills incrementally

• Knitting encourages girls to share and
learn from other girls—making it an
excellent empowerment tool

• Partner Web site provides forum for
teen knitters

Tired of hearing about who's dating who and what Alyssa wore to the last party? Get those teens and tweens started on some practical life skills and girl empowerment! KnitGrrl is an upbeat introduction to knitting, from basic materials, tools, and stitches, to fifteen easy projects designed specifically for teens and tweens. Lower the number of trips to the mall with patterns for an iPod cozy, a ponytail wool beanie, cat toys, text-messaging mittens, starry leg warmers, and ten more great patterns. The organization of the book builds skills incrementally, so friends can learn and share together. Tips on organizing knitting groups, plus quizzes and DIY projects for fun knitting-related items such as stitch markers and hand salve, make this the ultimate BKFF (Best Knitting Friends Forever) guidebook.
