Our Review
London-based design label Weardowney are renowned for their hand knitted fashion and in their first pattern book, Weardowney Knit Couture you can learn how to make your own.
Taking knitwear to the catwalk, this gorgeously-produced book includes 20 patterns for you to try, complete with tracing-paper inserts to emphasize details for each piece. Along with a selection of classic and cozy sweaters, you can make a modern and stylish Striped Tunic Dress, DIY Tweed cardigan or vintage inspired Skating Skirt.
This book is a great investment - spend a penny to save a fortune with your own handmade couture. If you do, your hard work will really pay off and you'll be in for a very stylish winter.
You can pick up a copy of the book from Collins & Brown or Amazon now. Order a copy for only £17.00 including free UK p&p. Call 0870 787 1613 and quote reference CH1032.