Help a Marine
I didnt even send anything handmade...
I didnt even think about it, I just wanted to get the thing mailed out, and I didnt know what to make a man.
Anyways, how long does it take for them to receive priority mail??
Sug, I'd love to share a Marine with you! I don't think he'd like my jewelry though LOL! Send me the addy!
maybe a knitten gun cosy? Or maybe make him camouflage wallet? Senda book for diaries maybe?
I sent my hubby the happy mustashioed catus that's on here, and the rice crispy sushi. If your going to send any food that you made make sure to vaccum seal it! Otherwise it will be icky when it gets there.
He got your package Traci!!! Yay. I don't know much else because it was relayed to me through my husband.
I think I'll add him to my myspace.
Awsome! Thanks so much for doing this. (=
It will take some time before I can send out a package to my guy since I don\t have much money...
Are planing for some cookies, a kite, some games and something more sweets and so on.
That's cool. Thankyou. (=
I know it's late in the game here but I am a military wife too and would love to spoil some guy that is over there if you still have some with out support. Just PM and let me know.
Well I have sent out one thing at least. A mini-set table tennis and a letter.
my boyfriend's a marine...or at least he will be. lol. he leaves for boot camp this oct. and i'd love to help out by writing to a marine somewhere. just message me or something. thank you :]
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