ooh great, thanks tom
Posts by michelle G.
new posts up! www.pabtown.blogspot.com
I know, you don't know how they are feeling and you feel so bad because you want them to feel better
watching Julie and Julia
me too, there is only a few of us that fequent the forum
cool going to look you up
going to take a nice hot shower and give myself a nice mini facial
got my vacine today
well good luck
or deliver newspapers
the weather was so nice and I am talking to sug
umm ask your parents or neighbours, I wouldn't go too far out of your neighbourhood, you don't know what creeps r out there.
how about asking teachers in your school? maybe they have kids...do you have a first aid course? most people like the idea of their sitter knowing what to do in an emergency situation.
ooh just looked at your profile projects, how about selling some jewelry at flea markets?