Posts by Arty Kitkat

    Last June me and my bf got rid off our telly. We hadn't watched it in before Christmas so we figured we wouldn't miss it. Since then our living room our relaxation area. We go in there to read, I do my meditating and yoga in there and I also use it for my massage work and we like listening to music and just chilling out. We need to sort out the furniture a bit though as its not quite how we want it. Its a bit odd getting rid of the telly though is we had a really big one which was the main focus of the room so I think we probably need to invest in some nice posters or put up one of our throws on the wall. We'll have to work it out and maybe I'll post a pic when we do Happy

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    I haven't been signing up for anywhere near as many as I've been short on funds and inspiration but this sounds cool. Can I play too? Happy

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    Heres my go
    <div><a href=";.mid=embed&amp;id=14786316"><img width="400" alt="Butterfly" src="" title="Butterfly" height="400" border="0" /></a><br/><small><a href=";.mid=embed&amp;id=14786316">Butterfly</a> by <a href=";.mid=embed&amp;id=1244343">kathakana</a> on <a href=""></a></small></div>

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    Is there anyone else who still needs to finish or am I the last? I'm almost done. I stalled over the Christmas period as I had other stuff to do for family etc.

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    I've set up an account - I'm Kathakana. Its pretty addictive but I really like it Happy

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    I'm currently reading White Fang. It took me ages to get into it and it was pretty dark for the first half but now I'm into it I'm really enjoying it.

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    Thanks corrie for this. Its very cool and I agree, English is a very strange language. I'd never realised though just how odd and thank god I didn't have to learn it as a second language Happy

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    Cool Happy You'll have to post some pics when you've been. I'd love to see what you come up with.

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    I kind of have one on Flickr - I've got 2 Flickr accounts and the one where I'm artykitkat is where I have pics of all my crafty stuff.

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    I'm going to check this out. It sounds cool. Thanks for mentioning it as I'd never heard of it.

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    I'd agree with everyone else - remove mascara b4 bed (if you remember). I personally find if I don't I look like an extra from a horror film and it makes it look like your bags are worse. its also a real pain to get off the next day and I don't think putting fresh mascara over the top can be good for your eyes. I use aqueous cream to get my makeup off and that even works with waterproof mascara.

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    Mines been much better since I've been using Lush's shampoo bars. They've got far less 'crap' in them and you need much less. It doesn't foam up but it washes out easier and I don't find my hairs greasy everyday now. I therefore have come to think that a lot of the grease was as a result of hair products, I also think washing it every day can make it greasier. Apparently it over stimulates the glands that produce the grease.

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    Jeez - google was fine and came up with facebook, twitter, flickr and that was only when I put in my name and my screenname.
    but when I went to the other site shitloads came up, not so much with my name as its really common but my user name and my usual screenname and a lot of board posts on here which I'm not totally comfortable about but I suppose I knew you didn't have to be a member to read the boards. You just have to be one to post.

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    Kitten sorry your feeling so shitty. Being at uni when things are really crap can be such an isolating experience as you don't have your usual support network around. Have you found a good GP? They can make a difference and its not always about prescribing pills, sometimes is nice that someone neutral is concerned and offering to check in with you and offering help. May also be worth checking what student services there are. I never did this but my bf did when he got really depressed and was offered counselling which helped. I'm glad your using here tho to vent, its definitely better out than in. I wrote stacks of poetry and painted to get things out. I also sometimes just wrote down everything in my head no matter how dark or horrible just to get it out. When its on paper i used to get the feeling that I'd shared it and sometimes I'd look back and think about what I'd write and see ways round things.

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    My names Kat and one of my friends has always called me Kitkat. When she had her little boy she started calling me Auntie Kitkat, even when he was just a bump Happy So Arty Kitkat has come from that. I'm be thinking of changing my screen name to Kathakana because I'm Kathakana on most other sites I'm a member of and have had that screen name for about 11 years

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