People Be trippin' rudeness

21 replies since 29th October 2012 • Last reply 29th October 2012

Yeah the upside is that all of us girls are awesome, and most of us are gamers or nerdy too.

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that's stupid. If I uploaded a project I was really happy with and someone started being a jerk about it i'd probably just sit there and cry. Report them! And I'm glad there is a guy on here who is interested. Do you get offended when they message you asking if you're gay? I'd probably cry if someone said something like that to me too! Hope everyone starts being nicer to you! We're all different on here, but there is no need whatsoever to be rude. Happy

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I agree Pam y'all are awesome... and no I don't get ofended I an a guy in the art and theater world I get asked lots

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I don't see the point in crying about something someone says if they're being rude. Showing that emotion just means they've won.
Passive agressiveness is a much better way of going about things. Maybe that's just me as a Midwesterner though.

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Its disgusting what people say about other peoples work sometimes. I stand by the premise that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Report her. I would.
Also, kudos on being a guy and everything lol Happy

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There is a huge difference between offering constructive criticism and just straight rudeness. When someone slams someone else regarding their project- I don't care what it is (jewelry, clothing, cooking, tattoos, etc.), they need to be called to task for it. If the person would have bothered to read the "guidelines" when they signed up for an account- this issue is clearly brought up along with what is acceptable behavior.

I've had people tell me that my "salad" isn't a fruit salad.... OK, excuse me, but aren't we a very eclectic group of people from all walks of life and MULTIPLE different countries? Ever think that what might have one name in one area of the country or in one culture might have different name somewhere else? Use your brains, people, before you start criticizing other people's work.

Another HOT issue- adults picking on kids. Um.. hello.... that is called BULLYING. I don't care WHERE you are from or who you are, if you are an adult and you start nit-picking a kid's project, does that make you feel big? Make you feel like you're on top of the world or something? There are a LOT of kids on this site, and I don't care how GOOD or how BAD the project it, the fact that the kids are being creative, imaginative, etc. should be treasured and ENCOURAGED!! How many kids would rather just sit on their butts all day long watching TV or playing video games? Exactly! Why tear these kids down when they are NOT doing that. Kids are our future, do you really want to tear a kid's project apart, thereby tearing down their self-esteem and self expression? What do you think getting slammed on a regular basis will do to them? I'll tell you, they will quit expressing themselves, and they will bottle up their creativity and turn to more unsavory activities OR be a little "clone" of whats "normal" in which ever society.

So, for those low-lifes who have nothing better to do than slam other people's work- get a life! Most of the time, I'll bet you can't do better, yet you don't waste anytime opening up your mouth to issue crap. Think before you speak/act.

If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all.

Also, for those of you getting slammed (like my daughter and many of you), report the offenders to Crafterella. Do so enough times, and the rude idiots will be banned, I'm sure.

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you should see the insults a girl from the UK got for making a Native American Headdress, Redonculous!!!! I love everyone's project, and the people that make "my" ideas "better" than me are more my favorite!!! (of corse "better" is only an opinion anyways).

YOU AREN'T the only guy and I hear gay guys like women too, occasionally.... eh You just know where the women are.... my husband always says "wanna meet women? Go to court reportin' school." lol

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