Cut Out + Keep

Salade Niçoise

transports one to a summers day • Posted by Laura Daisy

full of nutrients and flavor

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium 2021 03 18 174503 nisc


full of nutrients and flavor


  1. firstly start by boiling a handful of new potatoes until nice and soft. add two eggs in with the potato and take out after 6 minutes plunge in ice water and then peel and halve assemble the salad by making a bed with the lettuce of your choice to this add half a tin of tuna,a handful of black olives ,a couple of anchovies and spring onions add potatoes and eggs to the salad

  2. for the dressing use a pestle and mortar or a blender bring together two cloves of garlic,one anchovy,a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a handful of chives and parsley

  3. Pour dressing on the salad to taste.