Cut Out + Keep

Ruffled Top From A Men's Shirt

How to Make a Ruffled Top from a Men's Shirt • Posted by carlyjcais

Tomorrow being Administrative Professionals' Day I wanted to create something that's fashionable yet doesn't scream "look at me!" (and is totally appropo for the office!). With Earth Day just around the corner as well, what could be more eco than upcycling? Steal a button-down from your guy's closet and give it a feminine makeover...that will make it a mainstay in yours. Thank goodness there's someone around to redo all these stuffy men's shirts and breathe some girly life into them!

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Medium 911bd386fcb760e29f80b42620479ca4 blog Medium 40f6b6c00e46e748e4e884fdc1e70dcd blog Medium 14fced2f9cb23af492ee461504e4ac8a blog Medium 99ff011debad35745c79aca165815334 blog Medium 1c2e5ac36ce6a8bf6626ee50a9637884 blog


Tomorrow being Administrative Professionals' Day I wanted to create something that's fashionable yet doesn't scream "look at me!" (and is totally appropo for the office!). With Earth Day just around the corner as well, what could be more eco than upcycling? Steal a button-down from your guy's closet and give it a feminine makeover...that will make it a mainstay in yours. Thank goodness there's someone around to redo all these stuffy men's shirts and breathe some girly life into them!


  1. Small 3cd622b057423c763478602d0894ad01 blog

    Put shirt on. Button 3rd and fourth buttons on shirt. Place one hand underneath your armpit; mark where armscye depth should be on the front of your shirt, as close to the side seam as possible. (I used a pin.) Take off the shirt and also mark the armscye depth for the other arm.

  2. Small 8ab9519878d5ed202066731a2c35038b blog

    Lay your shirt on a flat surface and cut off the sleeves. Cut off the cuffs and discard; slit the sleeves down their side seams (as close to the seams as possible without going through any lapped seam detail). Remove the pocket with a seam ripper and discard.

  3. Small 01621eed63c511276684631a5d709fce blog

    Cut off the center button placard and buttonhole placard, below the fourth button, leaving enough allowance at the sides of each placard to fold under about 1/4". (If your placard is finished and bound, you won't need the folding allowance, but mine wasn't, so I have the extra step of finishing it below.) Cut the collar from the front of the shirt (as close to the collar underpiece as possible without going through it), and cut about 1" along the underpiece into the back of the shirt. (You won't remove the collar enitrely; you'll just be freeing it from the front of the shirt.)

  4. Turn shirt inside out and button remaining buttons on the shirt.

  5. Small b39adefc90fbfe5885250e51b82885c0 blog

    Sew Front Center Seam Sew front together, down buttoned placard, so no seams show in the center front.

  6. Small 7e1da0fe1f72a06632f33b811544ee80 blog

    Trim buttoned placard off on the inside.

  7. Small f42123e5e81c11861f6a19c811f88dc1 blog

    Adjust Fit Take shirt off and lay it flat. Pin down sides, straight down from the pins you added at the armscye depth.

  8. Small d3322a37e344dbcdaf49ad4942473de9 blog

    Turn shirt right-side-out and try it on. Adjust pins as necessary for a more tapered fit at the waist, and a freer fit at the hip. Make sure the armscye depth is still correct, and that you can get the shirt over your head. (If not, you'll have to add an invisible zipper later at the side seam.)

  9. Small 3b60d303eba15429e5e80a5076b47755 blog

    Take shirt off, turn inside out, and trace a "best-fit" line between your pins at the sides. Remove pins. Add 1" to the outside of the lines, and retrace the shape of the sides.

  10. Small 01bbd450687afad918d8b877222d421b blog

    Cut shirt front from shirt back at the sides, cutting along the outside lines you drew in the previous step.

  11. Small f4f56b796f6df43c52629202c30ddcf1 blog

    Trace shirt front onto shirt back. Draw lines on back about 3/8" to the inside of the lines you just draw. Cut shirt back on these lines.

  12. Small d2c07882ab5d392be8c55777d714524a blog

    Pin shirt front to shirt back.

  13. Small 61e522d3b0ed70baab05aa425c13cd2d blog

    (Your shirt front should now be about 3/4" larger than the back.)

  14. Small 0574d08f93d1c16ab05a2e2339685ed6 blog

    Sew the Sides Sew shirt sides together. (If you couldn't get the shirt over your head back in Step 8), do not sew the left side. This is where your side zipper will go. [And if you're left-handed and prefer your side zipper to be on the right, leave that side unsewn instead.])

  15. Small 550bbd457ef4769a1d254a25e6058112 blog

    Iron shirt and sleeves flat, paying special attention to the button placard still attached to the collar. (Optional: also iron zipper tape flat if you are using it.)15. (Optional) Insert side zipper according to package directions, (If you are unsure of how to insert an invisible zipper, there is a great tutorial here.) Make the Ruffles

  16. Small 4e9b4bd0771f9c2e0a4948f247f7784f blog

    Lay your sleeves flat and cut two pieces from the sleeves, next to the angled sleeve seams. (These pieces will be your angled ruffles.) Cut on the grain, cutting a piece about 1.5" wide at its smaller end and 5.5" wide at the widest end. Trim any raw edges near the bound edge off. 17. Cut 2 long rectangles from each sleeve about 3" wide by the length of your sleeve. Square off the ends. These pieces will be your long ruffles.

  17. Small 90b16b417d9148414883a9ca0625a4fb blog

    Sew 2 long rectangles together, short end to short end. Repeat for the other 2 pieces.

  18. Small bc4d39978dc8c96ac379d419edc318a0 blog

    Fold over the long edge of one of the pieces from the previous step about 1/4"; sew a scant 1/16" from the edge. Trim the raw edge next to your line of stitching. Fold over the stitched edges about 1/4" again; topstitch close to the edge to create a bound seam. Do the same for the other connected long rectangle piece.

  19. Small 188e8fb06bec33022b97883eead67470 blog

    Using either a hand-sewing needle or a long basting stitch on your machine (or a gathering foot if you have it!), stitch long, basting stitches along the long raw edge of each long rectangle, and along the unbound raw edges of the angled ruffles.

  20. Small f961a38350a2316f0f604500f120863f blog

    Pull the thread to gather the pieces into ruffles.

  21. Small 48dbb3ed1947b3622295e3a959d22b92 blog

    Finish the Collar Pin one long ruffled rectangle under the button placket of your collar piece, matching the length by pulling on the basting thread.

  22. Small 2e5e69b9b3da6345f50b937b935b42e4 blog

    Pin the angled ruffled piece underneath - the piece will only go down about 3/4 of the way of the placket. Fold the bottom of the placket under the long rectangle ruffle end about 1/4".

  23. Small 72e5cd6f087fec010a3915e125d73c67 blog

    Topstitch the edge of the placket, through all layers to secure. (I chose to connect the top of the rectangle ruffle under my collar piece, but leave the top of the angled ruffle free, like "wings.")22. Repeat for the other side and the buttonhole placket.

  24. Small bcf54b24e227ea903a418b8cdedaa351 blog

    We need to re-connect the collar to the shirt now - so start with the button placket side, and pin down overlapping the open hole in the front of the shirt. (Make sure the buttons are centered over the center front seam!) Pin the placket to the shirt, going straight upwards all the way to the collar area.

  25. Small d74dbe955664e03fd955cd248626da2c blog

    Pin the collar to the back of the shirt, overlapping the back of the shirt as much as you can by angling the collar downward. Between the top of the placket and the shoulder seam of the shirt, you're going to have excess fabric, so gather it and pin the collar over it.

  26. Small ee189d7f30c92de86dc9cf8788ee163d blog

    Topstitch the button placket to the shirt. (I had to zigzag over the collar underpiece connection at the back of the shirt - there was a small gap that no amount of angling the collar was going to fix.)

  27. Small f5d76820b7515fe35ae88956cb58fda2 blog

    Place buttonhole placket end over end of button placket, and do up the bottom button.

  28. Small 7993826041aaccc94d92b78eb9f6e90c blog

    Topstitch end down, through all layers, and reinforce stitching.26. Un-button bottom button, and pin buttonhole placket to front of shirt in the same manner as you did the button placket. Topstitch through all layers.

  29. Small 3b428765f82a960b7e226fd939e2353a blog

    Finish the Armscyes Try on the shirt and draw the shape of the shoulder how you want it.

  30. Small 61fe48856aa1a2498775422c912e2fea blog

    Take off the shirt, and cut the armscye shape about 1/2" on the outside of your markings. Trace the shape onto the other shoulder, and cut it out too.

  31. Turn under 1/2" of an inch, and stitch about 3/8" from the edge to finish, notching as you go. (If you want a more finished look, cut the armscye 3/4" outside of your markings, turn once and topstitch; turn again and topstitch to create a bound seam. I find this very difficult along a curve, as often the armscye becomes tighter and smaller the more times you turn the edge, and notching the inside on such a small seam allowance is quite difficult. If anyone has any tips, I'd love to hear them!)

  32. Small 58e8db090d6a9e828ea98c89b580c165 blog

    Hem and You're Done! Try on the shirt and mark where you want the hem to be.

  33. Small 7262fa1ea27ed0a87dc6301ed2ca5a56 blog

    Cut about 1/2" below this line, fold under, and stitch at a 3/8" hem on your machine.

  34. Small 99ff011debad35745c79aca165815334 blog

    Phew! A super-ruffly, super-feminine piece for the office. (As you can see, I also added 2 bust darts to make the feminine fit even better.)