Cut Out + Keep

My Heart Will Live On For You

A watercolor promise • Posted by Kin Dragon

A watercolor piece inspired by a number of things. This piece was inspired by someone’s profile picture and a promise I made in a dream to someone I about cared and had feelings for. Basiclly; I swore to him "my heart would live for him and the things I felt for him" Even now, after a messed up and emotionally abusive relationship, I still go on for him (the man in the picture and NOT my Ex) even if it's tough, I still live and try to have a decent life for him, despite how no one can have a any kind of perfect life. If you have any questions feel free to message me.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 50


Medium 2019 11 19 161331 6e2a8768 3472 46b1 aab6 74aabad20d3c


A watercolor piece inspired by a number of things. This piece was inspired by someone’s profile picture and a promise I made in a dream to someone I about cared and had feelings for. Basiclly; I swore to him "my heart would live for him and the things I felt for him" Even now, after a messed up and emotionally abusive relationship, I still go on for him (the man in the picture and NOT my Ex) even if it's tough, I still live and try to have a decent life for him, despite how no one can have a any kind of perfect life. If you have any questions feel free to message me.
