Cut Out + Keep

Glitter Glass Vase

An simple craft craft with inexpensive items to hold your pretty flowers • Posted by KMOM14

These were made through a free class at a local library out of dollar store items, This is a simple craft you can make with just a few items from the dollar store and decorate with Mod Podge and glitter.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 2020 03 07 233419 2020 03 05 20 30 58 167%2b 2020 03 06t04 17 25.242


These were made through a free class at a local library out of dollar store items, This is a simple craft you can make with just a few items from the dollar store and decorate with Mod Podge and glitter.


  1. Small 2020 03 07 233653 2020 03 05 19 18 49 643

    Decide what design you want on your vase and use masking tape to tape off what you don't want to be embellished with glitter. On the vase on the left, I decided to make vertical stripes and taped off sections.

  2. Small 2020 03 07 233822 2020 03 05 19 44 31 190

    On the next vase, I decided to use diagonal stripes. On both vases, I just eyeballed it instead of measuring, but you could if you like.

  3. Small 2020 03 07 233929 2020 03 05 19 20 11 524

    Paint on Modge Podge in small sections as it dries quickly NOTE ON MODGE PODGE: For this project, we used Modge Podge Hard, but any type would work. If you were to use the same technique on a drinking glass, you could use dishwasher safe Mod Podge. The instructor indicated although it is not indicated on the Mod Podge bottles, but found out when they contacted the manufacturer that it takes 30 days for Mod Podge to fully cure and even dishwasher safe Mod Podge will come off over time.

  4. You can use any kind of loose glitter, but before sprinkling on the glass put a large piece of paper underneath. Use a separate piece of paper for each color of glitter. This way when you shake on the glitter when it falls off you can easily put back in a shaker by bending the paper in the center. Recheck by looking inside the glass to make sure all of the areas that should be coated are and if not, put on more Modpodge and glitter. (Sorry, didn't get a picture of this).

  5. Small 2020 03 08 223727 2020 03 05 19 44 26 020

    Shake on a liberal amount over the area, tap off and repeat. This is what the horizontal vase looked like in progress. When completed, pull off the tape because if left on too long any stray Mod Podge might make it hard to remove.

  6. To help hold the glitter in place, you can cover with another coat of Mod Podge. Keep in mind though it will dull the glitter a bit. I put a coat over the top on both of my projects. If you put on a topcoat, you also might want to put tape over the top of the area that is to be clear to be sure don't get Mod Podge on it, but if you are careful it should not be too bad and you can scrape it off the glass.