Cut Out + Keep

Easy Mask With Filter Pocket.

How to sew an easy face mask with a filter pocket. • Posted by Onyx Draven

Please do your own research on handmade masks effectiveness and what is safe to use as a filter for your masks.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Medium 2020 04 12 235702 20200412 163847 Medium 2020 04 12 235726 20200412 163736


Please do your own research on handmade masks effectiveness and what is safe to use as a filter for your masks.


  1. Small 2020 04 13 001205 20200412 161732

    Measure and cut your fabric. 1 front piece 10"x6" 2 back pieces 3 ¹/² x 6 8 ¹/²x 6 2 pieces of elastic 7"

  2. Small 2020 04 13 001524 20200412 162105

    BACK PIECES fold over one end (on the 6" side) of both panels, press with an iron and top stitch FRONT PIECE tack down the elastic in the sides of fabric about ¹/² from the top and bottom

  3. Small 2020 04 13 003200 93044587 2330958120540525 2009516752853008384 n

    place the smaller back panel on the front panel right sides facing each other and clip or pin (or both) around the edges

  4. Small 2020 04 13 003218 92742281 1085322561804905 7825843894108553216 n

    place the lager back panel in the same way

  5. Small 2020 04 13 003743 93652178 2811627112261753 8764501583535800320 n

    stitch all the way around back stitching at the beginning and end. Then cut your thread tails and snip the corners of the fabric (when snipping the corners get close to the stitching but careful not to cut through the stitches)

  6. Small 2020 04 13 004058 92940637 246188973436265 9014921842162401280 n

    Turn your work right side out using the pocket opening. then take it to your ironing board and press avoiding your elastic straps (they might melt with the heat!)

  7. Small 2020 04 13 004343 93695761 841078333027322 8701038188992397312 n

    fold 2 pleats on each side and clip them in place

  8. Small 2020 04 13 004502 92532767 553321275594661 292741547806425088 n

    press the pleats on the front and back (be careful with your clips!)

  9. Small 2020 04 13 004628 93056331 267486770919052 2178766759559954432 n

    back to your machine for the last step :) stitch over your pleats on both ends

  10. Small 2020 04 13 004759 93276901 244356013353166 7453353814456795136 n

    snip those thread tails and you mask is finished!