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Crocheted Dragon

Always speak politely to an enraged dragon - Steven Brust • Posted by MissCindy

Hi there! Great of you to check out this funny and colourful dragon! I hope you like it as much as I do! About the tagline, I had no inspiration for a tagline, so I just searched for expressions about dragons.. This one came from According to Wikipedia "Steven Karl Zoltán Brust is an American fantasy and science fiction author of Hungarian descent." Just so you know.. Why? The friend I made Om Nom for (see my other projects if you like to see what he looks like), wanted this dragon, before she asked me for Om Nom. I really was looking forward to making something out of the book "Amigurumi and More" by Tessa van Riet-Ernst, especially because this is the book that tought me to crochet, starting with the flying amigurumi bollies you can see here: But she changed her mind.. My boyfriend sacrificed himself and his car and told me that I could make one for him, the sweety that he is XD Now this extremely evil dragon is guarding the car of my boyfriend by sitting in the back-window shelf in his car. With his evil eyes he is looking at every one who dares to look at my boyfriend´s car! ;) How? So this pattern came from "Amigurumi and More" by Tessa van Riet-Ernst. This really was the first time I tried to make something this 'big' by using a pattern from a book. It looked really odd to me at times, but I just kept going and it turned out fine. The weird thing about this pattern, this dragon had no wings... So it is actually a dino and not a dragon. So I had to give him some wings to fly with. I asked my boyfriend search for wings he thought would look great on his new car-mate. He found these wings made by SoreLoser on Craftster I attached them and now it is a real dragon! :D I'm pretty pleased with how he turned out and so is my boyfriend. Xxx, Cindy

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12 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 104368 2f2014 09 27 182228 dragon%2b1 Medium 104368 2f2014 09 27 182231 dragon%2b2 Medium 104368 2f2014 09 27 182235 dragon%2b3 Medium 104368 2f2014 09 27 182238 dragon%2b4


Hi there! Great of you to check out this funny and colourful dragon! I hope you like it as much as I do! About the tagline, I had no inspiration for a tagline, so I just searched for expressions about dragons.. This one came from According to Wikipedia "Steven Karl Zoltán Brust is an American fantasy and science fiction author of Hungarian descent." Just so you know.. Why? The friend I made Om Nom for (see my other projects if you like to see what he looks like), wanted this dragon, before she asked me for Om Nom. I really was looking forward to making something out of the book "Amigurumi and More" by Tessa van Riet-Ernst, especially because this is the book that tought me to crochet, starting with the flying amigurumi bollies you can see here: But she changed her mind.. My boyfriend sacrificed himself and his car and told me that I could make one for him, the sweety that he is XD Now this extremely evil dragon is guarding the car of my boyfriend by sitting in the back-window shelf in his car. With his evil eyes he is looking at every one who dares to look at my boyfriend´s car! ;) How? So this pattern came from "Amigurumi and More" by Tessa van Riet-Ernst. This really was the first time I tried to make something this 'big' by using a pattern from a book. It looked really odd to me at times, but I just kept going and it turned out fine. The weird thing about this pattern, this dragon had no wings... So it is actually a dino and not a dragon. So I had to give him some wings to fly with. I asked my boyfriend search for wings he thought would look great on his new car-mate. He found these wings made by SoreLoser on Craftster I attached them and now it is a real dragon! :D I'm pretty pleased with how he turned out and so is my boyfriend. Xxx, Cindy
