Cut Out + Keep

Chevron Pallet Headboard

Recycled wood into a colourful headboard • Posted by thecarpentersdaughter

A simple and cheap pallet wood headboard, perfect for offcuts or old pieces.

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Project Budget


4 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2021 03 12 114457 img 1447 min scaled


A simple and cheap pallet wood headboard, perfect for offcuts or old pieces.


  1. Small 2021 03 12 114720 4

    Here, you can see that I recycled some old sheet material. Then screwed a long straight edge in the middle, before gluing and nailing mitred pallet wood strips on.

  2. Small 2021 03 12 114828 5

    Then trimmed the excess off. To repeat on the other side, I removed the middle bit, and screwed more pallets to match.

  3. Small 2021 03 12 114942 6

    After trimming the excess again, I belt sanded all the wood smooth .

  4. Small 2021 03 12 115043 3

    Then painted contrasting colours using an array of test pots before adding trim and mounting to the wall.