Cincinnati Ohio United States 94 projects

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We head to Cincinnati, Ohio to meet ChristineMarie who loves jewelry making and crochet!


Featured Member Interview

How did you find CO+K and why did you join?

I found CO+K while looking for instructions for something on Google. I don't remember what it was that i was looking for but i found CO+K and it had a bunch of good ideas so i joined.

What projects are you currently working on?

I'm on a doctor who kick. Who doesn't love the doctor?!?!?! so i have a few Doctor Who projects i'm working on(mirrors, t-shirts, and what not) also costumes (elven and fairy)


April 25, 2013
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Featured Projects
496 times

1 2

What does your craft space look like?

HAHAHAHA! at the moment it looks like a complete MESS!!! My grandmother was getting rid of some stuff and of course all the craft stuff doesn't belong in the trash so it became mine! :P

Which tool or craft supply do you use the most?

id have to say i couldn't live without my glue gun

What do you craft along to?

I prefer to craft in the quiet

Favorite Craft

I enjoy pretty much anything but i love jewelry making and crochet the most. . . i think. . . . man its hard to decide

Christine's Top Crafts

If you could learn one new craft or make anything, what would it be?

I would LOVE to figure out how to make my clay not look all blobby(actually look like something lol) and i would love to figure out how to paint in general. i can draw but not paint. it would also be nice to be able to paint the clay that has been sculpted with detail but i'm just not too great at that although i've been trying

Who are your crafting heroes?

Id have to say my grandmother. talk about some great embroidery and floral projects