Derby England United Kingdom 66 projects

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We head to Derby, England to meet longtime member Britta who gets excited about new crafts and keeps changing what she's doing!


Featured Member Interview

How did you find CO+K and why did you join?

I joined Cut Out + Keep 7 years ago in 2008 so I can't remember how I found the site! I probably just searched the internet for 'How To's and one of your tutorials popped up. I joined to keep track of all the cool things I wanted to make and began photographing things I made to share back with the community.

What projects are you currently working on?

I'm planning to do a set of carved stamp illustrations for an epic poem retelling of Little Red Riding Hood that I wrote, and I'd like to make a quilt with all the pieces of cotton I tie-dyed with indigo when I made my Zipped Silk Bag project.


December 9, 2008
Derby, England, United Kingdom
Featured Projects
928 times

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What does your craft space look like?

Errr haha actually my partner wasn't lying, it is a bit of a bomb site. I do most of my projects on my computer desk so it's covered in art materials, completed projects and scraps I've saved for inspiration. Add to that the fact that my bunnies like to jump up and toss things about and it ends up not the most organised space in the world. I hope you don't regret asking for this photo.

Which tool or craft supply do you use the most?

My watercolour paints have been the most used thing recently as I am practicing my portrait drawing skills. Scissors and PVA glue come in handy for pretty much everything else.

What do you craft along to?

Usually I either watch a show like QI or go to my favourites playlist on YouTube to listen to something easy and upbeat like electro swing. Caravan Palace are my current favourite!

Favorite Craft

I get so excited about new crafts and keep changing what I'm doing, so it's a bit hard to choose a favourite. One I keep coming back to is stamp carving (a quicker, cheaper form of lino cutting) because I love the way my drawings look after the cutting and printing process. My favourite things to make are granny square blankets because you can do it in front of the TV and end up with something to snuggle under! My partner would tell you my favourite thing to make is a mess but ignore him.

Britta's Top Crafts

If you could learn one new craft or make anything, what would it be?

I was introduced to the idea of electro-textiles a few years ago with a simple project involving stitching LEDs onto fabric with conductive thread, and I'd like to explore the possibilities of that more. I think if I could learn to do basic electronics that it could add a new dimention to a lot of my crafts!

Who are your crafting heroes?

I love the papercuts by Rob Ryan and carved stamps by Coralette Damme, she's just my style!