What are your hobbies?
This year I have decided to practice hand lettering and slowly gaining interest in cooking and photography.
What are your favorite crafts and what's your craft space like?
Working with polymer clay and trying different ways of wrapping a gift is always my favorite.
What do you craft along to?
When it comes to craft space, I pretty much craft everywhere in my home and I am slowly in the making of a craft corner .I have just upgraded my table from small to bigger one and adding extra some extra elements to the space to make it look more crafty. I feel those things(Music/podcasts/TV Shows) are distracting sometimes. So, Calm and silent atmosphere is the main thing that I love when I craft.
What was the first project you ever made?
Hmmm...Not much.May be some birthday cards when I was in 4th or 5th grade.Not very sure though :)
What are your favorite items to make?
Home decor and Jewelry.
Which other craft blogs do you love to read?
Tatertots and jello , Alisa burke, U create , Studs and pearls , the list just goes on. :)