Jewelry Superstar

Soupy Beans

Make jewellery with Bryanna from Soupy Beans

Bryanna Amaro
Seattle, WA
Blogger, Crafter, & Massage Therapist

When did you first start making jewelry and how did you learn?

I first started making jewelry a few years back when I moved out with my now husband. I was looking for ways to save money and on a whim browsed the jewelry section and my local craft store. I started with buying pendants I liked and putting them on chains but little did I know I was opening the flood gates to a whole new world of crafting. I'm pretty much self taught but the lovely ladies at the craft store help me whenever I have questions.

Can you remember the first piece you made?

I can, and I wish I didn't. I remember buying this big leaf necklace pendant and adding these dangling flower beads that hung from really long chains. The metals didn't even match and I didn't have proper jewelry pliers so my loops were all crooked and jagged. It was really freakin' ugly but I was so proud of it.

Where do you look for inspiration?

My family and friend circle is full of extravagant characters. I'm surrounded by creative people and have endless inspiration constantly flowing my way. When I'm not getting ideas from them, I often channel my inner nerd and get inspiration from my favorite shows, music, movies, and comic books.

What's your craft space like and how do you organize your supplies?

Yarn crafts like knitting and crocheting will always be my go-to but jewelry making and wood working is quickly rising to the top of that list. As for craft space, I don't really have a dedicated spot at the moment. My husband and I live in a tiny apartment so I keep all my supplies in drawers until I start a specific project. Hopefully that will change soon though!

What music/podcasts/TV shows do you love to craft along to?

As of recent, my favorite shows to craft to are Supernatural, Avatar, and Adventure Time. But If I REALLY need to focus I pop on some music. Lately my jams have been to Hozier, Incubus, Lake Street Dive, Modest Mouse, Allen Stone, or my friend's band Asterhouse.

Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

If I'm being honest, I do way too many crafts. Knitting, crochet, jewelry making, wood working, sewing, the list goes on. I'm also a big video game player and sports buff.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Uhh, yeah! Thank you so much for having me as a Jewelry Superstar!! I couldn't be more excited about this. I've only been blogging since June and I feel completely honored to be up here with all of these talented crafters. I hope you guys enjoy my projects. If you'd like to see some more stuff you can check out my blog at

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Bryanna Amaro
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