Cooking Superstar

Scarborough Food Fair

Cook along with Emilie from Scarborough Food Fair

Emilie Bell
Boston, MA
Very recent college graduate

When did you first get in to cooking and do you remember the first recipe you tried?

Oh goodness. I was a tiny little tot. I'm an only child so mom and I did a lot of hanging out in the kitchen together. She's an excellent cook and taught me to love being in the kitchen at a young age. I'm not sure about the first recipe I tried out but I do know that I was a slice and bake cookie master for approximately the first 6 years of my life.

What's your kitchen like and how do you keep organized when cooking?

My kitchen is unbelievably tiny! I live in the city so everything is small but it's made cooking very interesting! I feel like I've learned all sorts of new ways to keep my kitchen functioning during a major cooking session. First of all I make sure that all of the dishes are done before I start. Once I get started I try to wash things as I go. I also make sure to have all of my ingredients out before I start and put them away as I use them. Space is limited!

What tips would you give to someone wanting to become a better cook?

Be patient, pay attention, and don't be afraid to completely fail! Three things I definitely haven't mastered but that I'm always working on. If you don't take time to really be in the kitchen while you're cooking you'll never learn. And the same goes with being afraid to fail. I mess up recipes ALL the time and it's really aggravating. But I learn so much more from those mess ups than I do from a really great dish.

Who would you invite to your dream dinner party and what would you cook for them?


Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

I do! I dabble in embroidering, sewing, knitting, and card making. Other than those things I love traveling, running my blog, and doing a pilates class or two.

Which cooking blogs do you love to read?

Emilie Bell
  • false Cakes
  • false Dessert
  • false Pasta
  • false Vegetarian
  • false Meat
  • false Seafood
  • false Salad
  • false Drinks
  • false

What's your favorite...

TV Show
Game of Thrones, The Newsroom, Lost
Spirit Family Reunion, Shovels & Rope
San Francisco, Boston, Asheville
O' Brother Where Art Thou, Big Fish, Blow
Cook Book
This is so hard! I have so many that I'm so loyal to. Currently I'm obsessing over the Smitten Kitchen cookbook and the Flour Bakery Cookbook (and Flour Too is coming out very soon!)
Seafood, Asian, Greek
Currently-Dill, Fiddlehead Ferns, Rhubarb
Kitchen Gadget
My Kitchen Aid Mixer that I purchased for $12 three years ago! It's an absolute staple in my kitchen.