What are your hobbies?
Theatre – or stage performances in general really are a big passion of mine! Movies are a close second, and I love to read! I often find myself in the bookstore, lost in someone else’s story… Music does that also, transport me into another realm; so naturally, I love to play the piano and sing.
What are your favorite crafts and what's your craft space like?
Crafting to me, though more than a hobby, is not my full-time job. So I like to make things that aren’t too complex, and that I can squeeze in between returning from work and heading to bed. I work with different materials and colors, and just go with anything I feel inspired by.
To me, the right lighting is key to any creative process, so I have my craft table situated right in front of a large window, and the door that heads out onto the balcony. On sunny days I feel particularly welcomed, inspired, cozy. My craft table, however, is also my desk, my dinner table, my storage space – and I cannot wait to one day move into a ginormous apartment with a 10-feet craft table that rightfully deserves its name!
What do you craft along to?
At times, I find myself watching TV shows while crafting, but as I am much too easily distracted it’s hard to be productive. I am probably most productive while listening to soft tunes.
What was the first project you ever made?
I don’t believe I can, but I like to believe that I started drawing and painting long before any other craft supplies met my eye. As a kid, I tried selling my paintings on the street corner along with my mom’s homemade lemonade. For some reason though customers were always more interested in the refreshments than in my own creations – I can’t imagine why; they were masterpieces, let me tell you!
What are your favorite items to make?
With a background in media and the arts – both academically and personally – I have a deep-rooted passion for stories and storytelling. My crafts to me are always a part of a greater whole, and I feel most connected to projects and creations that have a tale to tell, that remind me of times long past, or that I can connect with an image in my head.
Which other craft blogs do you love to read?
I love reading other blogs, there is so much inspiring content out there, and it baffles me how creative people are. My favorites are constantly changing though, which is why I like platforms like Cut Out + Keep where these people can come together, share and connect.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Starting my blog Motte gave me the perfect excuse to do more of what I love – to create. It’s interesting though how often people – non-crafters, I probably don’t even need to say – approach me to ask what the point is of a paper airplane or cupcake topper. While I love to make something with a purpose, crafting to me is more about the process, than the end result. Being productive and making something that is uniquely mine, is truly satisfying, where I feel at home.