Cut Out + Keep

World's Simplest Petticoat

Is that enough poof for you? • Posted by Sarania

I had two instances where I had to make a petticoat fast! 1) was for a dress needed for the children's show being done at my college. It was Cinderella's ball gown (the blue dress in the main pictures). I didn't make the gown, it was my old prom dress. It needed more poof so I added a netting skirt. (All the costumes had to be done in a few days. AHHHH!!! Needed poof quick!) 2) was when I wanted to be a female lolita version of the Mad Hatter. I wanted a poofy skirt to complete the look. And I only had a week until Halloween (AHHHH!! There's a pattern here.) So, I made this happen after watching the Threadbanger tutu tutorial and realizing that I had NO TIME or patience to do tulle stripes gathered together. It's really good and I'm sure I'll use it for more costumes in the future. Try it out :) Sorry if this is confusing. If you have any questions or comments (awkward or not), please let me know.

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Medium petticoat tutorial 099 1289074773 Medium petticoat tutorial 102 1289074831 Medium more for tutorial 001 1289074926


I had two instances where I had to make a petticoat fast! 1) was for a dress needed for the children's show being done at my college. It was Cinderella's ball gown (the blue dress in the main pictures). I didn't make the gown, it was my old prom dress. It needed more poof so I added a netting skirt. (All the costumes had to be done in a few days. AHHHH!!! Needed poof quick!) 2) was when I wanted to be a female lolita version of the Mad Hatter. I wanted a poofy skirt to complete the look. And I only had a week until Halloween (AHHHH!! There's a pattern here.) So, I made this happen after watching the Threadbanger tutu tutorial and realizing that I had NO TIME or patience to do tulle stripes gathered together. It's really good and I'm sure I'll use it for more costumes in the future. Try it out :) Sorry if this is confusing. If you have any questions or comments (awkward or not), please let me know.


  1. Small petticoat tutorial 110 1289075205

    First off, you need a strip of fabric 66 inches in length and 7-8 inches in width. (I had to sew two strips together to get the length I needed)(make sure to wash and dry the fabric before you start sewing anything) The length can be made longer or short depending on how much fullness you can handle after the petticoat is done.

  2. Small petticoat tutorial 108 1289075849

    Next you need to sew a casing at the top. Fold over the edge about 3/4 of an inch and iron it flat. Sew along the edge and there is your casing.

  3. Small petticoat tutorial 109 1289076044

    Next you need to sew a hem at the bottom of the fabric. Do the same thing as you did for the casing but it only has to be a 1/4 inch wide instead of 3/4.

  4. Small petticoat tutorial 111 1289076139

    Now for the netting. When you bought your netting it may have been folded in half so it fits on a board that is half its width. Whatever you do DON'T UNFOLD IT! You need it doubled like that to get the fullness you want with less hassle. The netting should be 45" in witdh, that's usally how it comes. When folded in half it should be 22.5".) When you have your 9 yards of netting (more or less depending on your size and how big you want you petticoat) cut it in half so you have two strips that are 4.5yards in length. When you put the strips on top of each other you should have four layers of netting 4.5 yards long. (By the way, I wanted my petticoat to be short, if you want a long one, this is when you can unfold the netting and add more layers of netting.)

  5. Small petticoat tutorial 116 1289084167

    And make sure the folds are at the top.

  6. Small petticoat tutorial 118 1289085016

    Ok here is where you need the dental floss. The netting needs to be gathered to get that poof effect. In order to gather all these layers of netting, you'll need something a lot stronger than just thread. You'll want to sew this gather about two inches from the top. More poof at the top that way. Cut two or three strings of dental floss. When put end to end they should be the same length as the netting. Set your machine to zig-zag stitch and have your stitch width as wide as it will go. Put the dental floss on top of the netting and under the foot of the sewing machine. Place the dental floss in the middle of the foot. Sew over the dental floss and make sure not to catch the floss in the stitch. Also make sure to back stitch on both ends. Do this for all the dental floss you cut. After you have done that, tie off one end of dental floss by tying to the thread left from the stitch and pull the other end to gather the netting. For a tulle shell do steps 4-6 for the tulle.

  7. Small petticoat tutorial 120 1289086178

    Next you need to sew the netting (and tulle) to the waistband. Sew it to the bottom of the waistband with a zig zag stitch. The netting doesn't exactly need to be on the hem. It can be an inch higher if it's easier for you to sew it there (it was easier for me that way).

  8. Small petticoat tutorial 122 1289086449

    Next, with right sides together, sew the skirt ends together. Make sure not to sew the casing at the top closed.

  9. Small petticoat tutorial 123 1289086775

    Turn the skirt outside in and get your ribbon, its time to finish it up. Put a safety pin on one end of the ribbon and thread it through the casing of the skirt to the other side.

  10. Small petticoat tutorial 124 1289086914

    Pull the ribbon so it fits your waist.

  11. Small petticoat tutorial 127 1289086967

    My waist band turns up at the hem a little since I didn't sew right on the hem. (Oops, oh well, its technically underwear.)

  12. Small petticoat tutorial 106 1289087137

    And You're Done!! YAY!!! Now put a flowy circle or gathered skirt over it and you've got yourself a poofy cute skirt. Note: You can sit in this, I've tried it, it's possible. Just make sure you rotate it each time you wear it. For instance, the bow of the ribbon is on the back instead of the side so that the skirt doesn't go limp in one spot. Try It!! Happy Sewing :) And remember, any questions or comments, awkward or not, please let me know :)