Cut Out + Keep

Wire Celtic/Elven Necklace

Green wire necklace • Posted by ChristineMarie

love the Celtic designs so i decided to make a necklace :P hope you enjoy :) sorry i don't have any pictures i never think "hay i'm going to make a tutorial" when i start something i think "hmm I've got an idea" and off i go lol

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1 h 00


Medium dscf1071


love the Celtic designs so i decided to make a necklace :P hope you enjoy :) sorry i don't have any pictures i never think "hay i'm going to make a tutorial" when i start something i think "hmm I've got an idea" and off i go lol


  1. Small dscf1084

    take a piece of paper and fold it in half. draw out HALF of your necklace. remember to use a sharpee or marker because you will need to be able to see it when you flip the paper over to trace the other side. open it up and there is your pattern

  2. Small dscf1085

    take your wire and start laying it over your pattern. secure it with masking tape along the way so that it doesn't move and you don't have to keep holding it. cut out each of your pieces leaving them still taped down.

  3. after they are all cut and laying where they need to go take a hammer and hit them where they are overlapping so that you are pushing the top wires into the bottoms and it will lay flat. now you are ready to secure it all.

  4. here is where your method will vary. you can either take wire and wrap it around the pieces where they join to secure them or solder or if you are like me i just used hot glue ON THE BACK(yes i know i may have to re glue it a few times but so far it has stayed together and i am horrible at wire wrapping and im not going to even attempt to solder :P. if you use hot glue make sure you have a tooth pick and work fast to make it flat. now it should be in one piece

  5. OPTIONAL STEP: now that it is together you can: add beads with small wire: wrap wire over one side. add a bead. wrap wire over the other side. i did it top to bottom but it will vary with your design. Add a stone to the middle: For my stone i took a clear stone like you use in vases etc and painted it with silver sparkle nail polish. let it dry. painted it with green nail polish. let it dry and added another coat of green. or you could buy any stone you would like really take the stone and hot glue it onto the wire.if your wire isn't big enough or sturdy enough for your stone then you may have to take a piece of felt and glue it over the back of the wire and over the back of the stone. add whatever you want really have fun with it :D

  6. take jump rings or in my case i used rings for making chainmail jewelry because they were kind of greenish and secure them on either side of your necklace. take a chain and fit it the length you want it. cut it in half and put one side on one ring and one on the other. put the clasps on and then wear your new jewelry out :D