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Warm Cape "Gaban" Style

A cozy fleece for this cold season! • Posted by eccemullier

Here in Mexico there are some things called "Gabanes" that are little fleeces to be used as capes, usually made of wool. This is my version, with cozy fleece fabric, it's totally recomended for kids, they'll ask to have a sweater with this one =D

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc00560 1259641670


Here in Mexico there are some things called "Gabanes" that are little fleeces to be used as capes, usually made of wool. This is my version, with cozy fleece fabric, it's totally recomended for kids, they'll ask to have a sweater with this one =D


  1. Small dsc00561 1259641982

    Bend your fabric from the long side once, leave a tab of about 10 cms.This will make your cape to have a front and a back. Then bend over the wide side once.

  2. Small gaban 1259642312

    Mark a quarter of a circle in the opposite corner of the bends 10 centimeters of radius approximately.

  3. Small dsc00562 1259642397

    Cut that circle.

  4. Small dsc00559 1259642431

    Theorically in this step, your cape is ready, but you can embellish it as you wish

  5. Small dsc00563 1259642508

    You ca make some cuts in the bottom, you can round the corners, you can even stitch the sides, I didn't because it would lost the "Gaban" style, but there's no rule for not stitching it =D.

  6. Small dsc00560 1259642725

    My boyfriend was my model, sorry for the bad position, but he was not feeling well, he's getting a little flu, so, I'm glad he cooperated at least.