T-Shirt to Halter Tutorial
My teenage daughter loves her t-shirts! We did spring cleaning in her packed closet and she refused to get rid of her t-shirts. I told her we would put them into a bag until I could think of what to do with them. My first thoughts were donation or car rags. After I calmed, I had to think of how to recycle these t-shirts. Pillows, totes, etc. I needed to do something fresh. So, it's been pretty warm here (80 degrees +) and decided on a halter. Now the 6 year old wants her t-shirts recycled into halters.
It's really easy to do and I'll show you how!
Start with a t-shirt; scissors; trim or ribbon (for tie); 1/2" wide elastic; pie tin or french curve ruler. And, of course thread to match and sewing machine.
Key West Witch favorited T Shirt To Halter 07 May 08:38
Miss_Fit favorited T Shirt To Halter 08 Jul 04:13
mary m. favorited T Shirt To Halter 11 Aug 00:55
Jax L. favorited T Shirt To Halter 04 Jul 18:17
Lylani K. added T Shirt To Halter to Lana sewing halternecks 30 Jan 18:23
Lone M. favorited T Shirt To Halter 11 Apr 17:25
kassie g. favorited T Shirt To Halter 01 Apr 12:52
mallisaduffy favorited T Shirt To Halter 11 Dec 04:02
Shellem favorited T Shirt To Halter 02 Nov 02:48
catarina n. favorited T Shirt To Halter 13 Sep 14:58
Step 3
Cut off the ribbing of the t-shirt.
Step 4
Fold the t-shirt about 1/8" toward the wrong side at the sleeve and neck areas; stitch. At the neckline, fold another 3/4" creating a casing for the trim to feed through; stitch.
Step 6
Pin a safety pin to one trim or ribbon short end. Thread/feed the pinned end through the neck casing. Gather the t-shirt at the neckline. Make sure the trim/ribbon is long enough to tie around neck. Remove the pin; cut and knot the trim/ribbon ends.
You're done!
Have fun!