Cut Out + Keep

Tropical Fruit Eton Mess

The Weekend Cookbook • Posted by Penguin

When red berries are out of season and astronomically expensive, this tropical version of the classic is a fantastic alternative. Serves 4 / Ready in 10 minutes Tip If you want to get ahead with this one, make it up bar the meringues, as they’ll go a bit too mushy if they sit around for any length of time. ‘Using a combination of cream and fat-free yogurt results in a pud that’s not quite so scarily laden with calories, plus it really lifts the flavour.’

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0 h 20


Nice & Simple
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When red berries are out of season and astronomically expensive, this tropical version of the classic is a fantastic alternative. Serves 4 / Ready in 10 minutes Tip If you want to get ahead with this one, make it up bar the meringues, as they’ll go a bit too mushy if they sit around for any length of time. ‘Using a combination of cream and fat-free yogurt results in a pud that’s not quite so scarily laden with calories, plus it really lifts the flavour.’


  1. Combine the cream, yogurt, mango, papaya and meringues. Stir in all but one half of the passion-fruit pulp and then spoon into glasses. Top with the remaining passion-fruit pulp and serve.