Cut Out + Keep

Tissue Case

Tissue case tutorial • Posted by verypurpleperson

Finished size: 9x13 cm

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium screen shot 2010 03 01 at 12.43.25 1267447425 Medium screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.02.01 1267448625 Medium screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.07.27 1267448868 Medium screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.07.34 1267448870


Finished size: 9x13 cm


  1. Small screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.02.01 1267448625 1267450793

    - Outer fabric, 22x15 cm (if the outer fabric is thin, iron fusible interfacings to strengthen it) - Lining fabric, 18x15 cm - ribbon, 4 cm Note: 1 cm seam allowance is included. Thread Sewing machine Iron

  2. Small screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.03.23 1267448631

    Place lining fabric on top of outer fabric, right sides together. Sew with 1 cm allowance.

  3. Small screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.03.55 1267448658

    Sew the other side.

  4. Small screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.04.24 1267448677

    Turn the right sides out, the fabric is now formed like a tube. Iron the seam allowances toward the lining side.

  5. Small screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.04.42 1267448697

    Flatten the tube and iron it. Since the lining fabric is shorter, the outer fabric will fold at the edges. Now we have one lined piece, measured about 18x15 cm.

  6. Small screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.05.08 1267448722

    Turn over the lined piece. Mark the center points of both of the long sides.

  7. Small screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.05.26 1267448742

    Fold the edges to meet at the center. Fold the 4 cm ribbon and insert it in one of the sides, about 1 cm from folded edge.

  8. Small screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.05.47 1267448760

    Sew both sides with 1 cm seam allowance.

  9. Small screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.06.05 1267448787

    Trim the corners to make turning easier. The raw edges are trimmed with zigzag scissors, you can just leave it raw or finish them using zigzag stitches.

  10. Small screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.06.36 1267448810

    Turn the right sides out. Use a rather sharp tool (knitting needle, chopstick, etc) to pick the corners. Iron the finished case one more time for a neater look.

  11. Small screen shot 2010 03 01 at 13.06.56 1267448832

    Make more!