Cut Out + Keep

Tangerine Pop!

A deep, metallic purple smoky eye, with a pop of tangerine glitter! • Posted by Alyssa A.

I love pairing together colors that aren't typically paired. Orange and purple go beautifully together and this tutorial shows a dramatic way to do it!

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1 h 00


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I love pairing together colors that aren't typically paired. Orange and purple go beautifully together and this tutorial shows a dramatic way to do it!


  1. Small photo 1

    Apply an eyeshadow primer to your eyelids. I used Makeup Artist Network Eye Base. In your crease, apply MAC eyeshadow Stars and Rockets with a fluffy blending brush.

  2. Small photo 2

    Blend out Stars and Rockets with another MAC eyeshadow called Paradisco. This color is a light, irridescent peach color.

  3. Small photo 3

    Next, apply Sugarpill eyeshadow in Poison Plum to your crease and the outer and inner 1/4th of your eyelid.

  4. Small photo 4

    On the lid space you have left empty, apply the coral shade from the Makeup Forever Flash Palette. These paints act as a fantastic base for brigth colors to stick to.

  5. Small photo 5

    To set the coral paint, I used Lime Crime's Macarooned eyeshadow from their Palette D'Antoinette.

  6. Small photo 1

    To deepen the look, I traced around the peach color with Carbon eyeshadow from MAC.

  7. Small photo 11

    Apply Stars and Rockets, Poison Plum, Makeup Forever Flash Palette coral, and Macarooned eyeshadow on the bottom lid just as you did on the top lid. To apply the glitter, I used MAC eyeliner mixing medium. I applied a small amount to the peach colored area on my top and bottom lid, and then quickly patted Makeup Artist Network Glitter Dust in shade #124 on top.

  8. Fill in your waterline with a white pencil. I used Makeup Forever Kohl Pencil in White. Apply mascara and false lashes.