Cut Out + Keep

Sweater Boots

A fashionable use for sweater scraps! • Posted by ZanyDays

I cut up an oversized men's sweater to make my Kitten Kap, and used the arms to make leg warmers but I was lazy and didn't add elastic to them so they were always falling down. I never wore them, and then I stumbled upon the Sweater Boots project by Naimh O. and gave it a twist to make it my own! I am So. Happy. with this design. I pinned the arms (or leg warmers, past and present lives don't matter I guess!) while they were around my legs, and then sewed along the pin line, removing pins as I went. Then I pinned along the sole where I wanted the hot glue line to be. I lined the cuffs with elastic, but I got lazy near then end and hot-glued the buttons on to the cuffs. These can be worn pulled up or scrunched down around the ankles. I'm already warming up! Hope you like, and thanks to Naimh O. for being my muse! ~Zoe

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium sweaterboots copy Medium sweaterbootssctunched2


I cut up an oversized men's sweater to make my Kitten Kap, and used the arms to make leg warmers but I was lazy and didn't add elastic to them so they were always falling down. I never wore them, and then I stumbled upon the Sweater Boots project by Naimh O. and gave it a twist to make it my own! I am So. Happy. with this design. I pinned the arms (or leg warmers, past and present lives don't matter I guess!) while they were around my legs, and then sewed along the pin line, removing pins as I went. Then I pinned along the sole where I wanted the hot glue line to be. I lined the cuffs with elastic, but I got lazy near then end and hot-glued the buttons on to the cuffs. These can be worn pulled up or scrunched down around the ankles. I'm already warming up! Hope you like, and thanks to Naimh O. for being my muse! ~Zoe


  1. Small img 8947

    Pin the fabric around your leg.

  2. Small sew1

    Sew along the pin line, removing one pin at a time. I used a wide zigzag stitch for extra stretch.

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    Cut off the excess fabric.

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    Next I stretched the fabric dow snuggly over the soles and pinned where I wanted the fabric to be glued to the sole. This is the inner sole.

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    And this is the outer sole.

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    Trim off with about half an inch of allowance.

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    I placed a pin in the very tip of the fabric as my start position for gluing.

  8. Small sweaterbootsglued

    Glue in short segments all the way around, using your pins as guides for where the fabric should attach to the sole. Remove pins each segment.

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    Press the fabric down gently onto the hot glue.

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  11. Small sweaterbootstrimmed

    Trim close to the glue line for a neat finish.

  12. Small img 8962

    Next, carefully flip the shoe inside out. I had to bend mine nearly in half, but just be gentle and shimmy the fabric off the heel end first and the toe will follow.

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    Right side out boots.

  14. Small elasticcuff

    I wanted my boots to scrunch and to pull snuggly up over my calves, so I cut some elastic and sewed it to the inside of a 3 inch cuff. After the elastic was sewn I folded the cuff up toward my thigh. The elastic is covered by two inches of fabric and the natural sleeve "cuff" sits against my skin, covering the elastic inside the new cuff.

  15. Small button

    I chose this button for the accent.

  16. Small buttonglued

    But since it only had a single loop with which to attach it to the fabric, I knew it would be floppier than I wanted. So I hot glued it to the fabric instead of sewing it.

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    And pressed it firmly until it was secrure, while it was on my leg.

  18. Small buttoncuff

    Button glued.

  19. Small sweaterboots

    Now the boots can be worn as knee highs.

  20. Small sweasterbootsscrunched copy

    And as scrunchy boots! =)