Cut Out + Keep

Super Scrumptious Mayonnaise Chocolate Cake

The name sounds weird...but the cake is so good it makes up for it • Posted by ciinandii

The name of this cake is a little bit misleading so lemme clear it up for you... A) It's a sweet cake, the mayonnaise doesn't make it tangy or something B)It's a chocolate cake! YAY! Now there are 2 things to remember...NEVER MIX IT TOO MUCH and ALWAYS BAKE IT LONG ENOUGH

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


30 h 00


Medium cake 1 1294228444 Medium cake 2 1294228566 Medium cake 1294228740


The name of this cake is a little bit misleading so lemme clear it up for you... A) It's a sweet cake, the mayonnaise doesn't make it tangy or something B)It's a chocolate cake! YAY! Now there are 2 things to remember...NEVER MIX IT TOO MUCH and ALWAYS BAKE IT LONG ENOUGH


  1. Did you read the notes? If you didn't, stop procrastinating and go read them first. If you did, YAY! Sift the dry ingredients together 2 times (Seriously, you have to do this..)

  2. Mix water, vanilla and mayo good and SLOWLY mix with the dry ingredients. (This means, no electrical mixers!) Make sure you mix it very well, but not too much! (Mix it too much and it WILL flop, like majorly)

  3. Pour into 2 20cm greased baking tins or into cupcake wrappers and BAKE! BAKE! BAKE! 30-45min @ 180 degrees Celsius for the cake and about 20min for the cupcakes