Cut Out + Keep

Sun Dress Tutorial

The Loveliest Summer Dress You Will Ever Need! • Posted by The Sassy Sparrow

We were inspired to make this dress by a movie we watched a couple months ago called the One-Hundred Foot Journey. We really loved the movie and fell in love with Marguerite's dresses. They were so simple and pretty we knew we had to have one, so we made one and here's a tutorial!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium 114459 2f2016 06 06 171917 img 5997 Medium 114459 2f2016 06 06 165745 img 6002 Medium 114459 2f2016 06 06 165754 img 6009


We were inspired to make this dress by a movie we watched a couple months ago called the One-Hundred Foot Journey. We really loved the movie and fell in love with Marguerite's dresses. They were so simple and pretty we knew we had to have one, so we made one and here's a tutorial!


  1. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 163551 img 5832

    To cut out the two bodice pieces measure the distance in between your shoulders in inches, adding in one or two inches just in case of difficulties later. You can always trim it down if it is too big. Then measure from the top of your shoulder to your natural waist line with an extra inch for seam allowances. Mine turned out about 21" by 15"

  2. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 163726 img 5841

    Then cut out two pieces using those measurements

  3. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 163746 img 5842

    I then found a shirt with a neckline I really liked to use as a pattern for the dress neckline. I folded the bodice fabric in half and marked the middle with a pin then lined up the middle of my shirt neckline with the pin and traced the neckline onto the fabric with a pen.

  4. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 163824 img 5848

    Repeat with the other bodice piece then cut it out.

  5. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 163907 img 5849

    The lining on this dress is optional but I put one in because the fabric I had chosen was a little bit too light and thin to go without. If you choose to line the dress just repeat the steps we just used to cut out the outer bodice on a lining fabric

  6. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 163929 img 5851

    Then pin the top edge of the lining and bodice together right sides together and sew or serge. Then turn right sides out and iron thoroughly. Repeat with the other bodice and lining piece.

  7. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 164011 img 5852%2b 281 29

    Then put your two bodice pieces right sides together and sew the shoulder seams.

  8. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 164036 img 5858

    At this point it should start to look like the ugliest poncho you have ever seen. Don't lose faith. It gets better, I promise. :)

  9. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165012 img 5860

    Then measure how far down from your shoulder you want your sleeve opening to come. Mine turned out to be about 10 inches with the seam allowance included.

  10. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165037 img 5859

    Take that measurement and double it. Then cut out two pieces of fabric that are 1 1/4 inches by whatever your measurement was. So mine was 20 inches by 1 and a quarter inches. Then cut out two lining pieces using the same measurements. These will be your sleeve cuffs.

  11. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165104 img 5861

    Sew the outer fabric and the lining fabric right sides together then turn right sides out and iron thoroughly.

  12. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165111 img 5867

    Then sew or serge the unfinished edges so that it is a little easier to work with.

  13. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165142 picmonkey%2bcollage%2b1

    Take the cuff and fold it in half lengthwise and mark the middle with a pin. Then put the right side of the cuff to the wrong part of the bodice piece lining up the middle of the cuff to the shoulder seam. The serged seam of the cuff should be lined up to the serged edge of the bodice except for the last two inches of each side where the cuff should gradually angle out and over the bodice seam. Then sew along the bodice seam, and fold to the outside and iron really well.

  14. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165204 img 5868

    Then sew one of the side seams together but leave the other alone, that one will have a zipper.

  15. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165221 img 5873

    Now we need to make a waistband. Cut out a strip of fabric that is your waist measurement (plus an inch for seam allowance) by 3 inches. Then use that piece of fabric for a pattern for your lining piece. Sew these two pieces of fabric together along one of the long sides, right sides together, then turn right sides out and iron well. You are basically doing the same thing you did to make the cuffs. Just a little bigger. Then sew a gathering stitch all the way along the bottom edge of the bodice, and gather the bodice until it is the same length as your waist measurement. Then sew the waistband to the bodice, right sides together.

  16. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165247 img 5871

    It should finally start to look like an actual bodice now.

  17. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165307 img 5877

    To cut out your skirt, measure your waist and multiply it by 2 and a half, then measure from your natural waist to just below your knee adding an inch or two for the hem allowance. Then gather the top edge of your skirt piece until it is your actual waist size.

  18. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165328 img 5878

    Then sew it and the bodice waistband together right sides together.

  19. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165403 img 5883

    Then iron and sew your hem.

  20. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165421 img 5885

    Now I am simply attaching a tutorial for how to put in a zipper because I can install a zipper but it is beyond my abilities to explain how I get it done!

  21. Small 114459 2f2016 06 06 165638 img 5997

    Iron it well and then you are finished!