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Strawberry Rhubarb Sorbet

Yummy sorbet! Organic and sugar-free! • Posted by Asha L.

I saw a recipe for rhubarb sorbet and thought that I could do it better! Let me know what you think!

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I saw a recipe for rhubarb sorbet and thought that I could do it better! Let me know what you think!


  1. Small ashas pics 002 1248661852

    Wash and trim the rhubarb (4-6 stalks) cut into 1/2" pieces you should have about 4 cups.

  2. Small ashas pics 004 1248662073

    Add cut rhubarb to a sauce pan with 3 cups of water. Bring to a boil; then turn the heat down and simmer for 5 minutes.

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    Remove from heat and let cool in the pan for 10 minutes.

  4. Small ashas pics 006 1248662353

    While the rhubarb is cooling wash and trim the strawberries, zest the lime, and juice it.

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    Add rhubarb, strawberries, lime zest and juice to a blender blend well. If it's blended well enough you won't have to strain it.

  6. Small ashas pics 011 1248662549

    Add agave nectar to taste about 1 cup you could add more for a sweeter taste or lest for more tart taste. I got my agave nectar at Whole Food's but you can purchase it online. (I prefer raw; the less processed the better if you ask me. (I KNOW you didn't.) You could also use sugar.

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    Pour into popsicle molds. I got these bright, cute ones at Target. You could use paper cups and popsicle sticks or ice cube trays and toothpicks in a pinch.

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    I only had 8 popsicle molds, so I poured the rest into the ice cream maker. Follow the directions for your machine. You could also freeze it in a covered bowl, and stir it every 30 minutes to an hour. (If you don't you will have an ice block.)

  9. Small ashas pics 010 1248663537

    Yummy Sorbet! Enjoy!