Cut Out + Keep

Steampunk Inspired Collar Necklace

My second collar, have fallen rather in love with this one, sooo pretty <3 • Posted by susie

Love the idea of a more casual steampunk and love to explore this genre. Have more projects in mind but have to space them out as the tiny cogs drive me mental :D

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium sam 2824 Medium sam 2822 Medium sam 2827


Love the idea of a more casual steampunk and love to explore this genre. Have more projects in mind but have to space them out as the tiny cogs drive me mental :D


  1. Sew cogs and watch parts on with an invisible thread. I also changed the fastening from a button to velcro as I think it sits nicer at an angle and I added the wee brass charm to pull the look together.