Lets wear the trash we find at the beach... Then we can't leave it there.
Completely 100% recycled!!! This forms perfectly around your breast, is very light, and comfortable.
For some reason all my steps are gone!! Ah! well i am going to re-upload them so if it isn't up yet, come back.
If you decide you want one, but don't want to go through the hassle of making it, let me know. I sell them and I will custom make one for you with your own size.
Key West Witch favorited Soda Tab Swim Top 07 May 16:07
Step 1
First thing you need to do is made a can tab triangle for each breast.
Simply weave plarn (or your choice of material) in and out of the tabs to hold them together.
(When I can find the picture for this i will re-upload it.)
Step 2
Next get some fabric of choice and make a liner for your swim top. Sew 2 triangles and add straps (mine are braided).
Step 3
Now take that same fabric and cut strips that will run the perimeter of the can tab triangles. Weave them in and out of the outside tabs to make a border.
You can then use this border to tie the can tab triangle to your liner triangle and strap.
Step 4
Pull the straps through the can tab on the corner of the triangle and you are done.
Sorry about the lack of pictures. They were on here the first time, but now i must find them.
But all credit will go to you
Good Idea =]