Cut Out + Keep

Sock Monkey

Turn a pair of socks in to a Sock Monkey. • Posted by Hank

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Medium sockmonkeytut 1194380902 Medium sockmonkeytut  28  1194382895 Medium monkey 1194384123



  1. Small 2741

    Take your socks. Make sure they're ankle socks, ie, they go about 2-4 inches above your ankle. It does not matter if they are odd; in fact, you can achive some nice results with ones that don't match.

  2. Small 2742

    Take the first sock (ie, the one that you want to be the body), and lay it out like so. Make sure that it's inside out, and that the heel is flattened down.

  3. Small 2743

    Pin a straight line up the center of the sock; starting at the ankle (bottom), and finishing about an inch below the heel. It may help if you draw a line with tailor's chalk or felt pen as a guide.

  4. Small 2744

    Thread your needle. alternatively, use a sewing machine.

  5. Small 2745

    On the bottom of one of the halves, draw (or simply imagine) a paw-shape. Start sewing from the outside, up the middle, leaving about 5mm from your pinning.

  6. Small 2746

    Stop sewing at the point shown. Tie a knot, and repeat on the other side.

  7. Small 2747

    Remove the needles, and cut right up the middle of your stitches. Cut about 1cm further than your stitches go.

  8. Small 2748

    Turn your sock the right way round, through what will be your monkey-crotch. Ouch. Put this aside for a few minutes.

  9. Small 2749

    Take the other sock, and press it out as shown.

  10. Small 2750

    Cut a long piece, from the toe all the way up to the hem at the top. Cut out the heel, leaving a little seam allowance.

  11. Small 2751

    Pin the long piece, as shown. Cut the toe away, and cut both of he other piece in half, too. Pin as ilustrated.

  12. Small 2752

    Sew it all up. I've added labels on the picture, so you can see what the things will be :)

  13. Small 2753

    Turn them all the right way out.

  14. Small 2754

    Using a little stuffing, pin the heel (now a nose) onto the front of your other sock.

  15. Small 2755

    You can use a slipstitch, a blanket stitch, or hey- why not a running stitch?

  16. Small 2756

    You can sew the monkey ear on in the same way. Yay.

  17. Small 2757

    Sew Mr. Monkey's tail on.

  18. Small 2758

    Stuff the "arms".

  19. Small 2759

    Make little holes in your monkey where you want the arms to be.

  20. Small 2760

    Go up through the crotch, with the arm still poking through.

  21. Small 2761

    Sew around the hole, sttatching the two edges together.

  22. Small 2762

    Chose two buttons for eyes.

  23. Small 2763

    Take your monkey. Chose where the eyes will be.

  24. Small 2764

    Sew they eyes on. Add a mouth with backstitch. Lovely.

  25. Small 2765

    Grab some stuffing.

  26. Small 2766

    *ahem* stuff you monkey. Make sure its even, with plenty in the legs, head and bum.

  27. Small 2768

    Blanket stitch his poor monkey-crotch closed.

  28. Small 2770

    Doneee :D Why not experiment with clothing, etc for yur new best-friend? Lovely ;)